

To God be all the Glory and Honor!
When reading scripture think sovereignty
David Silvas’ 1st cataract surgery went well
Bob Adams has been released to do light work and mowing lawns, 6 wk follow up 
Jean (Silvas) Dale diagnosed with cancer, sees specialist 7/22
Jenny Stehley improving, 1-2 more days in hospital then to rehab
Gretchen Adams seeking hip replacement surgery, can’t walk well and home bound.
Jean Silvas Dale diagnosed with cancer, sees specialist 7/22
David Silvas cataract surgery scheduled for 8/14
Tim Simpson, kidneys shutting down
Marshall Skinner cirrhosis of the liver (non-alcoholic)
Family of Joe Patrick (NewsPrint) heart attack
Dr. Alex MacDonell cancer recurred 
Jan deKock has staples removed 7/26
Charlotte’s friend Louis (FL) given 3 months, hospice
Skip better, Jackie still struggling
Kathy Dupree is home, recuperating 
Bob Lemley, came home yesterday (2 wks early), isolation continues
Larry Giles in law (Michael) fell 15’ has paralysis from chest down, Shepherd Spinal in Atlanta
for rehab, admitted Friday 6/14. PT and rehab for two months
Rose using walking stick and wearing her shoes
Michael (Dusty) may bend but not twist leg for healing, 10 weeks
Ann Nordin’s son Michael has rheumatoid arthritis at 42, affecting work ability
Dan and Jan deKock sale of house in Wymberly (challenge:pray for sale within next 3 weeks)
Catherine Holmes cancer may have metastasized into her neck and chest.  In Seattle for appt. with specialist in August
Jim Fritz on lasix 
Mitchell McCarty scan prognosis revised, cancer detected, CT scans every 6 mos., 6 years
Rita Hodgin has congestive heart failure and A fib, Jay on oxygen, heart rate higher

Jeff Brannen,
Pat Carr multiple myeloma,  
Dela Silvas,
Melanie Wightman (18),
Jim Wollner,
Al Adams,
Emily Callaway,
Samuel Donaldson -lymphoma
Kendall Hunter-lymphoma,
Chris Sloan,
Hewitt Dickerson,
Sherrie Edmunds,
Warren Whitaker lung cancer,
Dana Darden Martineau
Vera Rabun, In Thomson Manor.
Bob and Pat Eick
Larry Montgomery at Lake Crossing, lost use of legs

Long Term:
DeWayne and Pat Patrick-kidney problems
Marvin Toulson’s mother, Hilda, home
Emily Bebbington had good scan, small surgery then radiation
June Hattaway, Mike’s mother, resting well and well cared for
Shut-ins: Vera Rabun in Thomson Rehab esophagus and Bob and Pat Eick
Charles Johnson check up: no sign of transplant rejection!  Bonnie A fib causing shortness of breath
Bashir decision on vocation and employment
Children and grandchildren, Military and Country and salvation for the lost
Ann’s friends have been given six months to live:
     -Misti had tumor removed and large amount of fluid drained, recovering
     -Suzanne is a non-believer and lives in CA no treatment, struggling, trying to contact her
Ann’s shoulder, pray for complete healing, PT painful