
To God be all the Glory and Honor!
When reading scripture think sovereignty


John Bebbington Merkle cell carcinoma (right ear). Shawn Bebbington enzymes elevated- (Pancreas?) colonoscopy scheduled
Harriet Haulbrook had appt. with Gastroenterologist, to be 10/10
Kathy Cook’s mother @ Thomson Rehab rm 203
Jenny Stehley for full recovery in prep for next step
Unspoken prayer requests (2)
Tim Simpson, kidneys shutting down
Kathy Dupree heart scan for leakage increase, rescheduled
Bob Lemley, home, walking, isolation continues but improving
Larry Giles in law (Michael) at home, still some paralysis
Ann Nordin traveling mercies
Rita Hodgin has congestive heart failure and A fib, Jay doing better
Charlotte’s niece, Nanette, now home and walking.  Brother in law (Sterling) cancer has spread to spine, inoperable (PA) not eating, C’s daughter Terrie has low white count and platelets 
De Kock’s house still on the market

Dr. McDonald cancer recurred
Jeff Brannen,
Mitchell McCarty
Pat Carr multiple myeloma,  
Dela Silvas
Jean Dale
Melanie Wightman
Jim Wollner,
Al Adams,
Emily Callaway,
Samuel Donaldson -lymphoma
Kendall Hunter-lymphoma,
Chris Sloan,
Hewitt Dickerson,
Sherrie Edmunds,
Warren Whitaker lung cancer,
Dana Darden Martineau

Vera Rabun, In Thomson Manor.
Bob and Pat Eick
Larry Montgomery at Lake Crossing, lost use of legs

Long Term:
Luna Rose, Rose’s Gr Granddaughter, autistic, pray she will start talking
Mitchell McCarty CT scans every 6 months for six years
Marshall Skinner liver cirrhosis (non-alcoholic)
Emily Bebbington starting radiation this week, daily doses (M-F) for five more weeks
June Hattaway, Mike’s mother, resting well and well cared for
Bob and Pat Eick, day at a time
Charles Johnson vision better
Ann’s sister Peggy has A fib, fell broke jaw.  Will require oral surgery over next year
Mary, friend of Joan Giles, stent in, 76, and unsure she wants any more procedures (TX), neighbor and sister in law passed away last week
Tina Benscooter diagnosed with ALS, Beckie Weimar’s cousin
Children and grandchildren, Military and Country and salvation for the lost