Thomson Presbyterian Church
Welcome to our church family.

Officers of our church

Dr. Leslie Holmes

Mark Cheek
Jim McFadyen Treasurer
David Silvas Clerk of Session

John Bebbington
Larry Chalker Diaconate Chairman
Scott Cook
Mike Hattaway
Jimmy New

Regular scheduled events

Church service 11:00 -12:15 am Sunday
Sunday school 9:30 to 10:30 am, both an adults and a children’s class
Communion is the first Sunday of every month
We have a Web site "" and an App in  the Google play store, Apple store and  the Android store. "Thomson Presbyterian Church"

Service opportunities

Crumpet corner-[Snack and Fellowship] 10:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Commons area.
If you are interested in providing some snacks see Faye Chalker.
Choir practice is Wednesday at 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
If you interested in being in the choir see any choir member
Pot luck fellowship lunch follows the Communion service every first Sunday. All members are encouraged to bring dishes to share.
If you have any special interests or talents Let the Deacons or Session know.