

To God be all the Glory and Honor!
When reading scripture think sovereignty

New Members joined the Church
15 yr. old Granddaughter of a neighbor tried to commit suicide, pray for all youth vs. social media
Jerry Clark’s son Cameron was rear ended and is very sore and bruised
David Silvas RFA helped, gets shot in shoulder 5/20
Dave Weimar’s mother at home and on antibiotics
Beckie Weimar’s 2 yr. old G’Daughter (Fee) has hives
Scarlett (Roses’ G’daughter) abdominal pain
Catherine Holmes cancer may have metastasized into her neck and chest.  In Seattle for appt. with specialist in June
Carleton Vaughn, diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, starts treatment 5/7 (lives in Augusta)
Gregg Moser is home under care of hospice starting 5/13.  Pray for comfort and peace with God’s grace. Now receiving morphine 
Jim Fritz on lasix, stress test 5/29
Bob Adams to see neurologist for vertigo
Mitchell McCarty scan prognosis revised, cancer detected, CT scans every 6 mos., 6 years, Maggie has a job in Texas, 
Skip Horne decided no surgery
Rita Hodgin seeing Dr for scan/X-ray of shoulder and back after her last fall
Rose has a friend Iva Chavis home, not doing well
Dela’s chemo every 3 weeks next treatment 6 June
DeWayne and Pat Patrick-kidney problems
Charlotte’s daughter, Terry, has a neighbor with cancer (Louis in FL), terminal ready to go to heaven
Judy Dozier Wyatt brain tumor removed-benign, repeated surgery now infected
Joanne Hanson stopped chemo, too many side effects

Jeff Brannen,
Pat Carr multiple myeloma,  
Dela Silvas, chemo every 3 weeks and completes in August
Dr. MacDonell,
Dr. Bob Lemley diagnosed with lymphoma, WellStar for several weeks.
Melanie Wightman (18),
Jim Wollner,
Al Adams growth on pancreas,
Emily Callaway,
Kendall Hunter-lymphoma,
Chris Sloan,
Hewitt Dickerson,
Louis in FL  diagnosed with cancer.
Mitchell McCarty scan prognosis revised, cancer detected, CT scans every 6 mos., for 6 years
Carleton Vaughn, diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, started treatment.
Samuel Donaldson Jr, 26 years old and fighting lymphoma. He has finished chemo and will now start radiation.
Sherrie Edmunds has colon cancer.
Renee McFalls ovarian cancer  chemo started
Warren Whitaker lung cancer
Dana Darden Martineau abdominal  cancer-surgery scheduled May 13 in Jax, FL

Vera Rabun,
JoAnn Henderson-with son Eddie in Blairsville, dementia worsening

Long Term:
Marvin Toulson’s mother, Hilda, rod inserted in left leg for strengthening/fracture could stand short period that afternoon, Friday-MCG.  Will be having rehab at Walton when released
Emily Bebbington working from home, energy fluctuates
June Hattaway, Mike’s mother, resting well and well cared for
Charles Johnson graft did not work, next procedure graft, soon.  Pray Bonnie stays well
Children and grandchildren, Military and Country and salvation for the lost
Unspoken prayer requests, young man especially
Beckie Weimar’s thespian friends daughters: POT Syndrome-John Hopkins this June (19 yr old) and 18 yr old with Rett syndrome life long duration
Ann’s friends have been given six months to live:
     -Misti is a believer and lives in the area
     -Suzanne is a non-believer and lives in CA